Sunday, June 01, 2008


5月31日 上午10点01分



“一面自我反省的镜子” 马哈迪:我国需要在野党

马哈迪力促阿都拉引咎辞职 斥听信凯里策略失五州政权

马哈迪开炮压力激增 阿都拉否认辞职传闻

传闻慕克里兹呼吁阿都拉下台 不明人士涌现记者会转移阵地

国阵惨败差35席就被推翻 慕克里兹致函要阿都拉下台

“现有领导怕说真话有问题” 马哈迪支持召开巫统特大建议

讽妇女组抗议阿都拉半途折返 马哈迪:凯里靠邮寄选票取胜

长期打压印裔心声掀起不满 马哈迪:开除三美才能平怒


巫统巫青领袖反对展延党选 蕉赖区部呼吁废竞选固打制

反阿都拉势力吹响集结号? 马哈迪基尔下周同台演讲

马哈迪:登统治者否决必有其因 影射前大臣第一家庭滥用石油税

讽刺不可能重夺五州政权 马哈迪:巫统仍沉睡不醒

“选举惨败马哈迪难咎其责” 再努丁:三言论使人民反国阵

马哈迪基尔讲座宣告爆满 传泰益禁止国阵党员出席


马哈迪促党员站出来 讲真话叫阿都拉下台

全面反击马哈迪拉沙里安华 阿都拉说抨击言论摧毁巫统

巫统最高理事引咎总辞? 马哈迪看衰他们没胆量

马哈迪施压阿都拉立即交棒 否则巫统议员或投不信任票

坚持党传统以体面方式接棒 纳吉回马哈迪:我不是懦夫


马哈迪Che Det部落格开跑 首炮质疑司法委员会或违宪

首相敦马握手照上中文报封面 除了星报,巫英文报皆没刊登

马哈迪:首相不信任其副手 “阿都拉不准许纳吉见我”

人民怨气高,国阵议员酿跳槽 马哈迪:民盟有可能取而代之

马哈迪莎丽扎哈密年薪逾百万 祖基菲批首相三顾问白领薪水

阿都拉:我没阻纳吉见马哈迪 指示巫统针对卡巴星言论报警

马哈迪:林甘影片是一种勒索 指控安华窜改影片以打击林甘

公开炮轰阿都拉阻拦会面奏效 马哈迪如尝所愿见纳吉两句钟

内阁公开林甘皇委会调查报告 指示调查马哈迪等六名涉案者

马哈迪挑战政府起诉他 恫言上庭抖司法界内幕

马哈迪退党呼吁党员追随 称阿都拉下台才重回巫统

马哈迪可能引发巫统退党潮 沙里尔:准备面对闪电大选

阿都拉惊讶退党决定 拒绝亲自挽留马哈迪

卡巴星:林甘影片案未了 马哈迪慌张退党未证清白

仅花5分钟提及马哈迪退党事项 首相召见巫统议员慕克里兹缺席

“莫让贪腐者取代弱势领袖” 安华提醒别跌入马哈迪议程

希山:退党不会加速权力转移 沙里尔:无退党潮没闪电大选

援引阿都拉为妻姨写推荐信为例 马哈迪辩称游说委任法官不违法

纳兹里说巫统议员绝不退党 炮轰马哈迪以肮脏手段勒索

形容马哈迪绝望挣扎无人响应 添强:加剧党争国阵更快倒台

不退党却限定阿都拉七月下台 慕克里兹:我与父亲殊途同归

马哈迪号召国阵议员暂时退党 一石二鸟之计倒阿都拉阻安华

不齿利用党籍要挟阿都拉下台 希山建议管委会对付慕克里兹

莫扎尼步父亲后尘退党 否认与慕克里兹闹分歧

报道说两千党员准备递退党信 巫统紧急会议讨论马哈迪退党

慕克里兹倒戈抨击政府 允许战争贩子来马投资

巫统最高理事接受退党决定 只希望马哈迪有朝一日重返

马丽娜描绘父亲心平气和退党 马哈迪反击慕沙当年才是肉刺

巫统法律顾问受委联邦法官 慕克里兹质疑首相遭人游说

森霹巫青团长围剿慕克里兹 吉打州巫统否认有支部解散

以拉萨曾推翻两任党主席为例 马哈迪:倒阿都拉非对党不忠

三百人聚集梳邦机场迎接回国 马哈迪宣称退党没减弱欢迎度

马哈迪部落格创世界纪录? 开张1个月突破百万点击率

警惕勿对马哈迪言行等闲视之 陈亚才:他成事不足败事有余

马哈迪逼宫驱使阿都拉改革 无心插柳拓展言论民主空间


6月1日 中午12点14分

蕉赖—加影大道特许经营公司Grand Saga自2006年中,以路墩封闭蕉赖皇冠城接驳到该大道的主要出口,迫使当地居民每天必须绕远路,多缴过路费,同时饱受塞车之苦。居民逐自救组织起皇冠城开路行动委员会,奔走各相关政府部门要求开路,其间更展开多次的示威抗议,并爆发警民冲突,不过事情却没有任何进展。




蕉赖皇冠城封路课题露曙光 开路委员会求助新雪州政府

地段掀争议,雪政府开路喊停 皇冠城居民坚持用神手移石礅

需多四天来勘察石礅所在道路 蕉赖皇冠城封路争议未有结果

皇冠城封路争议延宕四天 居民对会议结果倍感失望

皇冠城开路诉求获得两方背书 土地局测量师指地段属发展商


皇冠城路墩位置第三次勘查 开路委会对测量结果感乐观

大道公司重新封路获警察护驾 皇冠镇千人阻挡不果两人被捕

警方一走石礅十分钟内被毁 刘天球挑战中央派人来测量

警方走后居民推倒石礅重开路 刘天球放话:放一个,拆一个

皇冠城再封路催泪弹水炮齐发 林立迎遭拳打脚踢陈文华被捕

开路委会失望雪政府软弱 卡立承诺下周开四方会议

封路风波中遭殴伤入院就医 火箭全体议员明探访林立迎

未定夺是否公开林甘调查报告书 阿都拉不知皇冠城冲突议员被殴

测量局再证实石墩地段属雪州 大道公司起诉天球文华市议会

阻止封路被殴伤不言悔 林立迎要起诉警方施暴

开路委员会申请庭令遭否决 大道公司即宣布将重置石墩

人权委员会促公开林甘调查报告 彻查皇冠城冲突不排除开听证会

卡在车流疏漏及赔偿问题 皇冠城开路会议没有结果

雪州政府承诺皇冠镇不会封路 大道公司发展商争议庭上解决

大道公司本周重置皇冠城路墩 吁居民尊重法庭判决别受误导

蕉赖皇冠城再面临封路厄运 大道公司漏夜筑起石墩城墙

拆墩冲突居民记者惨遭黑帮殴伤 共4人被捕6人受伤3人严重入院

谴责警方袖手旁观黑帮持械伤人 隆雪华青促雪政府别口说手不动

张念群将提呈紧急动议辩论 皇冠城居民明日拉队上国会

黑色汽车被指企图冲撞警员 被捕2男1女已经被警方释放

大道公司否认涉及暴力事件 宣称承包商同样受伤并报警

雪州政府持大道公司20%股权 卡立要开特大游说股东拆石墩

议长驳回讨论皇冠城紧急动议 开路委员会国会呈备忘录遇阻

卡立首次亲临皇冠城视察 保证两星期解决石墩风波

曹智雄辩称警方没有袖手旁观 指镇暴队抵达时冲突已经结束

现场记者坚称警员坐视不理 媒体组织促总警长揪出暴徒

为拆墩者恐吓摄记举动道歉 开路委会促支持者克制守法

斥4人谋杀30镇暴队员不逻辑 人权委会谴责镇暴队滥用暴力

内阁宣布皇冠城暂时开路 直到法庭对案件下判为止

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thank you so much and sorry for letting you down

Written by Malaysia Today

Friday, 09 May 2008

When the police came to my home last Friday to confiscate my computers, I was not at all shocked or perturbed. I had half-expected that to happen considering the response to my 25 April 2008 article in this same column, Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell (read the article here). And the response I am talking about is the public statement by the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister plus the letter from the Deputy Prime Minister’s Press Secretary (read the letter here).

As the police left my house, they issued me a Section 111 order to report to the Cyber Crime Division of Bukit Aman at 11.00am the following morning for my statement to be recorded. However, at 3.15pm that same day, they phoned me and asked whether I could go there at 4.00pm instead, that means in 45 minutes time, rather than the following day at 11.00am as originally ordered.

I phoned Sam, my lawyer, and he told me I need not comply to this ‘request’ as the Section 111 order had stipulated 11.00am, Saturday, 3 May 2008 and not 4.00pm, Friday, 2 May 2008. Since the order said 11.00am Saturday, then that is the date and time I should report to Bukit Aman and I can legally refuse to their request to come in a day earlier.

Nevertheless, I decided to consent to this request although I had legal grounds to refuse to do so. The police then told me that a police report had been made against me on the article mentioned above so they have to take my statement. I asked to see a copy of the police report plus the statement from the person who had lodged the report but they admitted they did not have it nor has the police officer who was to take my statement seen it yet. For all intents and purposes it did not exist. (Read the full story here: Towering Malays and the ‘hush’ on Peace Hill)

On Monday, at about 9.15pm, I received a phone call from the same police officer who raided my house three days earlier and he wanted to know if I could go to the Jalan Duta magistrates court at 9.30am the following morning, Tuesday, 6 May 2008. He asked me to look for DSP Mahfuz and said that they will be charging me. I asked what they were charging me for and he replied that he does not know. I then said if he knows that I am supposed to report to the Jalan Duta magistrates court and what time and day I am supposed to report there, surely he must know what I am going to be charged for. He replied maybe it is for sedition but he is not sure.

I called the police officer back five minutes later and he confirmed that it will be for sedition after all. But there are so many courts in Jalan Duta. Which court am I supposed to go to? He did not know. He said just hang around the lobby and they will come find me and escort me to the correct court.

I arrived in Jalan Duta at 8.45am, 45 minutes ahead of schedule. By 10.15am I was still hanging around and no DSP Mahfuz came to see me. One of my lawyers then went upstairs to try to find out which court my case was going to be held in and he came back to inform me that there is no case registered yet in the Jalan Duta magistrates court.

At 10.30am, I received a phone call from DSP Mahfuz asking me to go to the PJ sessions court. We all rushed to PJ and arrived there at 11.00am as instructed only to find out that there is no case registered there as well. In fact, the magistrate was on medical leave. Furthermore, no charges against me had been prepared yet.

I was asked to sit down and wait while they phone the magistrate to come back to work. They also needed to prepare the charge and register my case. It appears like they had decided to charge me first and then prepared the charge and decided which court to charge me in as an afterthought.

Under the Sedition Act they need to arrest me or at the very least issue me a summons. A summons under the Sedition Act is bailable but not compoundable like in a traffic summons. The maximum fine is RM5,000 or a jail term of three years or both. In my case, they had not served any summons, nor had they served a warrant of arrest, and my case was not even registered nor the charges prepared. For all intents and purposes, I was in court on my own free will and I need not have gone there if I did not want to.

After a lot of last minute preparing the charge, registering my case, and the magistrate on sick leave finally coming back to work, etc., they charged me, to which I pleaded not guilty. They then set the maximum bail of RM5,000.

This RM5,000 bail was absolutely unnecessary. I need not even have gone to court. There was no legal obligation on my part to do so. They just phoned me to ask whether I could go to court and I agreed to do so. I did so willingly, demonstrating full cooperation, and without forcing them to follow proper procedures. After all, how do I know who was on the other line? How do I know that this was a legitimate and not a crank call? They produced no evidence that I was to be charged and they did ask whether I could come to court -- and a question like that is open to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. They did not say I must go to court. They asked whether I could go to court.

So, when they imposed the maximum RM5,000 bail I refused to pay it and instead chose to be remanded until the day of the hearing in October 2008. When they asked me why, I replied that they could have posed bail on personal bond seeing how I was very cooperative and did not offer any resistance. I did not even insist they follow proper procedures but was quite willing to respond to mere phone calls.

When I arrived in Sungai Buloh Prison, something happened that put the entire prison on full alert. Sirul and Azilah, who were in the same block as me, Blok Damai, shouted for me to watch my back and that they will get me. I was quickly whisked out of the block. It seems they were angry that the Altantuya murder trial, which had disappeared from the radar screens, has now, again, been given the spotlight. Why should that upset them? Why the need for the Altantuya murder trial to disappear from the radar screens?

I was then assigned to my own cell, cell 8, and was not allowed to come into contact with any of the other prisoners. My cell door was permanently locked and whenever I had to leave my cell they would assign two or three Special Forces personnel, UPK, as my bodyguards. As further precautions, I refused to touch any drink or food as I remembered very well the arsenic poisoning that Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim suffered when he too was in the same prison.

So, from the time I entered prison until the time I walked out four days later, I did not eat or drink, which of course the prison interpreted as a hunger strike. They told me that a hunger strike is a serious crime and they could charge me for that. But that was the least of my worries at that point of time.

I met no less than five or six senior officers at different points of time who all insisted that I agree to meet my wife and lawyers so that they could arrange bail for me. I made it very clear that I refuse to see anyone because I do not want them to start crying and begging me to agree to bail as that would weaken me. If I shut myself out from the rest of the world that would make it easier to stand firm.

The head of the Special Forces and someone from the Intelligence Unit also met me to explain that they will try their best to keep me safe. Nevertheless, they can’t watch over me 100% of the time so my continued presence in prison is a great burden to the entire staff. We are on full alert and we have to report to the ministry every hour on the hour. No one can sleep because of you, they said, so please agree to bail and leave.

One of the Special Forces chaps told me to never trust anyone. Don’t even trust the men in uniform, not even if they wear this same uniform, he tugged on his shirt to emphasis the point. Your life here is worth a packet of tobacco. Prisoners will kill just for that. And Sirul (or was it Azilah?) is very intelligent, he added. He knows which prisoners can be bought and he has many on his payroll. He can always get someone to do his job for him.

Whenever I was brought out they made sure that Sirul and Azilah, and the other 18 or so police officers that are in their same block, were locked up. Once, when they brought me out, and someone in the walktie-talkie said that the two were in the hospital, they quickly locked me up and only brought me out again after the two were safely locked up. I could see that they were not merely trying to frighten me but were genuinely worried.

Look, they told me, we have only 600 men against more than 5,000 inmates. And not all 600 are on shift at the same time. This prison was built for only 2,500 inmates so we are grossly overcapacity. If anything does happen, our personnel are grossly outnumbered. And with you here the potential for something happening is very great. Please, they appealed, consider your stand of not agreeing to bail. If not for your sake at least for ours. Whether you wish to live or die is your decision. But whatever happens to you will affect all our careers as well.

Anyway, to cut a long story even longer, I finally agreed to meet my wife and agreed to my wife’s appeal that she be allowed to pay the bail. After all, a knife in my stomach would not exactly be what the doctor would recommend.

I made many friends in my very short stay in the Sungai Buloh Prison: the Indian chap who was on trial for kidnapping who kept peeping into my cell to ask whether I needed everything, the Indonesian transvestite across from my cell who kept calling me ‘sayang’ and offered to massage my aching back, the Chinese man on trial for money laundering who asked for my autograph, the air force pilot who searched all over prison for reading glasses so that I could read my books, and all the guards and Special Forces chaps who smiled and gave me the thumbs-up when I greeted them with ‘Makkal Sakhti’. And they all wanted just one thing. They wanted me home so that I can continue to write and so that they can continue to find out the truth as to what is happening in this country.

Yes, I was touched. I was touched that alleged kidnappers and murderers and those we would normally consider the scum of the earth, and all those who are guarding them in prison, know about Makkal Sakhti and want the message of Makkal Sakhti to continue through Malaysia Today. To those who are on the outside looking in, these people are the forgotten people. These people no longer exist. You do not have names in prison. You are just a number and a statistic. But when you are amongst them, you can see that they have chosen a life different from yours -- theirs is a life of crime -- but their aspirations and ideals are the same as we on the outside looking in. They too want justice, equality, democracy, freedom of speech and a better Malaysia for all.

Yes, they might be criminals. And they may be criminals out of choice. But life never really gave them too many choices. Some turn to crime out of greed. But many turn to crime out of sheer need and desperation. And these are the faces I saw in prison, faces of people whom life offered not many choices. But then one of these faces may be the last face I see. One of these faces may be that of the one sent to do the evil deed of those who feel I have brought the spotlight back onto a murder trial that was almost buried and forgotten if not for the article I had written.

My wife knows I can be very stubborn and I seldom back down once I have made my resolution. She also knows that I can marah nyamuk and bakar kelambu, which can be considered irrational to most. But the support from all and sundry kept her strong and allowed her the will to fight. She is very touched with the support shown and the solidarity demonstrated by friends, bloggers and readers of Malaysia Today. In such a situation words can never really explain how one feels. To all Malaysians, on behalf of my wife and my entire family, I would like to express our most sincere gratitude. And this comes from the bottom of our hearts.

And to all Malaysians, I also want to say that I am sorry for allowing myself to be persuaded in agreeing to accept bail. I feel like I have let you down after earlier rejecting bail and instead choosing to stay in jail until my hearing in October. Under the circumstances, why should I allow my adversaries to finish me off like a cornered rat? At least if one has to go down let it be one goes down fighting.

On the money collected thus far, if all you donors can agree to it, I am going to propose that the surplus be put into a BLOGGERS DEFENCE FUND so that any blogger who may in future suffer persecution from the powers-that-be will have financial support to stand and fight. The bail is of course refundable and can be put back into the fund for future use. And the fund can also be used for legal costs whenever we can’t find lawyers who will defend bloggers on a pro bono basis.

That is all for today. I am still slightly disoriented and my aching back is not allowing me to focus that well -- so sorry if my piece today is slightly below par.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Anwar - 100 tokoh paling berpengaruh

Written by Malaysia kini

May 2, 08 4:51pm

Penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dinobatkan sebagai seorang daripada 100 tokoh paling berpengaruh di dunia oleh sebuah majalah terkenal.
Keputusan itu dibuat berdasarkan undian secara dalam talian yang diselaraskan oleh majalah mingguan terkenal Time.
Tokoh-tokoh tersebut dibahagikan dalam lima kategori iaitu pemimpin dan revolusioner, hero dan perintis, ahli sains dan pemikir, seniman dan penghibur, serta jurubina dan titan. Anwar berada di tempat kesembilan dalam kategori yang pertama selepas beberapa calon presiden Amerika Syarikat, Dalai Lama dan George W Bush.
Seratus tokoh paling berpengaruh dipilih daripada lebih 200 tokoh yang dicalonkan.Dalam majalah itu, Anwar digambarkan sebagai pemimpin Islam yang memperjuangkan sikap toleransi, demokrasi dan hak-hak asasi manusia.

《时代》百名最有影响力人物 安华在领袖改革者榜中排第九

Written by Merdeka review

May 02, 2008 ■时间/01:55:29 pm


今年是《时代》杂志第五次推选世界百名最有影响力人物,而安华(Anwar Ibrahim)是唯一入选的马来西亚政治人物,其他入选者包括达赖喇嘛、中国国家主席胡锦涛、美国三名总统候选人奥巴马、希拉里、麦凯恩、俄罗斯总统普丁、美国总统布什、台湾候任总统马英九、缅甸民主派领袖昂山素枝、媒体大亨梅铎(Rupert Murdoch)等。



《时代》杂志的世界百名最有影响力人物归类为“领导人与改革者”(Leaders & Revolutionaries)、“英雄与先驱”(Heroes & Pioneers)、科学家与思想家(Scientists & Thinkers)、艺术家与演艺人士(Artists & Entertainers)及创富者与巨擎(Builders & Titans)。


安华的名字乃归类于“领导人与改革者”组,在20人中排列第九,名字在他之前的八人是达赖喇嘛、俄罗斯总统普丁、美国三名总统候选人奥巴马、希拉里、麦凯恩、中国国家主席胡锦涛、美国现任总统布什及南非前副总统、现任南非非国大领袖雅各布祖马(Jacob Zuma)。

名字排在安华之后的另11人则是澳洲总理陆克文(Kevin Rudd)、罗马大主教巴萨罗缪一世(Bartholomew I)、美联储主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)、回教什叶派领袖慕塔达(Muqtada al-Sadr)、美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(Robert Gates)、智利总统米雪儿巴切莱特(Michelle Bachelet)、印度国大党领导人索妮亚甘地(Sonia Gandhi)、阿富汗塔利班组织领导人巴伊图拉迈赫苏德(Baitullah Mehsud)、玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)、台湾候任总统马英九及巴基斯坦军方首领卡亚尼(Ashfaq Kayani)。

《时代》推选世界百名最有影响力人物时,也会邀请一名显要人物撰写短文介绍当选者,而负责介绍安华的显要人物是美国前副国防部长、前世界银行行长保罗沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz);保罗沃尔福威茨的短文


“在1990年代,马来西亚副首相安华依布拉欣和一组美国参议员联办了一个论坛,让东亚人和美国人交换意见。在其中一场会议中被问到回教在政治里的角色时,安华回答说:“我不尊敬那些自称为回教,却否决国内一半人口的基本权利的政府。” 这名虔诚的回教徒领导人是个令人印象深刻的、倡导宽容,民主及人权的雄辩家,因此,当他在1998年因渎职及鸡奸罪被捕和送审时,我们感到震惊。我认为,他真正的“罪行”是挑战了首相马哈迪,后者令人印象深刻的纪录将因他如此对待安华而永远被沾污。我和参议员纳恩(Sam Nunn)等人为安华辩护。



拒绝回答警方一切盘问 柏特拉:这是政治提控

Written by Malaysia kini

5月2日 傍晚6点20分

受警方提前传召的《今日马来西亚》(Malaysia Today)网站主编拉惹柏特拉(Raja Petra Kamaruddin)於下午4时,到武吉阿曼警察总部网络罪案组(Cyber Crime)录取口供。

拉惹柏特拉是在代表律师兼人民公正党士拉央国会议员梁自坚的陪同下录取口供,并在傍晚6时30分左右步出警察总部。他告诉记者,在长达两个小时半的盘问中,他拒绝回答警方任何问题,并认为这是一项政治提控“political prosecution”。









另一方面,人民公正党全国宣传主任蔡添强对于警方在世界新闻自由日前夕,动用《煽动法令》对付《今日大马》(Malaysia Today)网站主编拉惹柏特拉的做法,表示遗憾!







新山德教会回教字画被抄 朝野政党华团齐要求彻查

Written by Malaysia kini

5月2日 傍晚5点38分



















Petra disiasat kes Najib-Altantuya

May 2, 08 12:27pm

Polis menyerbu rumah Raja Petra Kamaruddin pagi ini berhubung siasatan mengenai tulisannya yang menyentuh timbalan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Seramai lapan anggota polis tiba di rumah beliau pada jam 9 pagi tadi dan menyoalnya berhubung tulisan tersebut.

Pasukan tersebut diketuai oleh DSP Victor Sanjos dari bahagian jenayah siber Bukit Aman.

Polis yang berada selama dua jam di rumahnya, turut merampaskan komputer ribanya.

Raja Petra mengesahkan perkara itu ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini pagi ini.

Katanya, polis memberitahunya bahawa beliau disiasat bawah Akta Hasutan.

Beliau diarahkan hadir di bahagian jenayah siber pagi esok.

Ketika dihubungi, Victor berkata, laporan terhadap Raja Petra dibuat oleh ketua pegawai penyiasat kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia itu, Supt Gan Tack Guan.
Dalam laporan Gan itu, tulisan Raja Petra didakwa berunsur hasutan dan sesiapa sahaja yang membacanya, boleh mempercayai apa yang ditulisnya.
Tulisan Raja Petra juga dianggap sebagai komen sebelum penghakiman kes tersebut dibuat.

Kelmarin, Najib berkata beliau tidak pernah mengenali wanita Mongolia itu dan tidak pernah bertemu dengan mangsa terbabit.

"Dakwaan seorang saksi dalam perbicaraan kes Altantuya bahawa konon-kononnya si mati (Altantuya) pernah makan bersama dengan Razak Baginda dan individu bernama 'Najib Razak' tidak pernah disahkan, malah kredibiliti saksi itu juga tidak pernah diteliti.

"Dakwaan kononnya ada gambar si mati dengan (Abdul) Razak (Abdullah Baginda) dan timbalan perdana menteri juga tidak pernah dibuktikan oleh mana-mana pihak melainkan gambar rekaan yang terbukti palsu," kata Najib, melalui kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh setiausaha akhbarnya Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad.

Kenyataan akhbar itu diterbitkan Malaysia Today semalam bagi menjawab artikel pengendalinya Raja Petra bertajuk "Let's send Altantuya's murderers to hell" pada 25 April.

Tengku Sariffuddin juga menafikan beberapa dakwaan dalam artikel tersebut, antaranya:

Najib dan isterinya Rosmah Mansor ada kaitan dengan pembunuhan Altantuya,

timbalan perdana menteri pernah menyokong permohonan visa wanita itu, dan

rekod imigresen wanita itu telah sengaja dihapuskan.

"Semua kenyataan ini merupakan kenyataan pandang dengar (hearsay) yang tidak pernah dibuktikan, tetapi pihak tuan sewenang-wenangnya menyiarkan kenyataan seperti itu seolah-olah ia (adalah) fakta," katanya.

Menjawab kenyataan ini pada hari yang sama, Raja Petra berkata beliau berasa gembira dan dihormati apabila setiausaha akhbar kepada timbalan perdana menteri sendiri sanggup menulis kepada Malaysia Today.

"Seperti saya nyatakan beberapa kali sebelum ini, satu-satunya jalan menangani media independen ialah berdepan dengannya, bukan mengabaikannya, kerana pengabaian anda boleh memusnahkan anda sendiri," katanya, memulakan reaksi segera dalam artikelnya "My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad".

Selain mempertikaikan kewibawaan sistem kehakiman negara, khususnya sewaktu perbicaraan Anwar, penulis blog terkenal itu juga menyebut beberapa insiden layanan buruk polis yang didakwanya dialaminya dan juga isterinya.

Artikel awal Raja Petra minggu lepas dimulakan dengan isu menuntut keadilan buat Altantuya sewaktu kunjungan bapa mangsa bunuh itu Shaariibuu Setev ke Kuala Lumpur bagi mendesak perbicaraan kes bunuh anaknya dijalankan dengan adil.

Selain Abdul Razak, seorang penganalisis politik yang dikaitkan dengan Najib, dua anggota polis pasukan berprofil tinggi Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) di Bukit Aman turut dituduh dalam kes tersebut mulai Jun tahun lepas.

Cif inspektor Azilah Hadri, dan koperal Sirul Azhar Umar didakwa membunuh Altantuya, di lokasi mukim Bukit Raja, Shah Alam antara 19-20 Oktober 2006.

Abdul Razak, pula didakwa bersubahat dengan Azilah dan Sirul Azhar di Wilayah Persekutuan sehari sebelum pembunuhan itu.

Pembunuhan Altantuya mula menggegarkan negara apabila penganalisis politik ini dan beberapa anggota polis, termasuk Azilah dan Sirul Azhar, ditahan polis pada 7 November 2006.

蒙古女郎案调查官报案 拉惹柏特拉电脑被充公

Written by Malaysia kini

5月2日 中午12点19分

更新因在网站上发表指控副首相纳吉与其夫人罗斯玛涉及蒙古女郎命案的文章,警方援用煽动法令调查《今日马来西亚》(Malaysia Today)网站主编拉惹柏特拉(Raja Petra Kamaruddin),并到其位于双溪毛糯住家充公他的电脑。


拉惹柏特拉也被谕令在明早11时,向武吉阿曼警察总部网络罪案组(Cyber Crime)报到,以录取口供。

拉惹柏特拉是于日前在《今日大马》(Malaysia Today)网站上发表一篇题为“让我们将杀死阿旦杜雅的凶手送入地狱”( Let's Send Altantuya's Murderer to Hell)的文章而掀起浩然大波。拉惹柏特拉在这篇网络文章中,指控副首相纳吉与其夫人罗斯玛涉及蒙古女郎阿旦杜雅的命案。


来自武吉阿曼警察总部网络罪案组的维克山佐斯副警监(Victor Sanjos)是在今早9时,率领7名警员到拉惹柏特拉的住家充公了一台手提电脑和一台电脑主机(CPU),并逗留了两个小时之久。







Thursday, May 01, 2008

My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad

Written by Malaysia-today

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Dear Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad,

First of all, thank you for writing to Malaysia Today. (Read letter here). As promised, I have published your letter in toto without any amendments, additions, deletions, or ‘touch up’, though I felt some improvement to the language may have been necessary. Nevertheless, I was very careful in not ‘doctoring’ any parts of your letter lest I open myself to accusations of any sort.

I must admit I am pleased and honoured that the Press Secretary of the Deputy Prime Minister and likely future Prime Minister would take the trouble to write to Malaysia Today. As I have said so many times in the past, the only way to deal with the independent media is to engage it, not ignore it, for you ignore it at your own peril. And note that I have used the term ‘independent’ media and not ‘alternative’ media or ‘opposition’ media -- because that is exactly what we are. In fact, what you call the ‘mainstream’ media, today, could actually be called the alternative media.

Now, on the points in your letter. A ‘trial’ by court of public opinion has been what we, the Rakyat, have had to rely on since 1998. Some say that the judiciary has in fact been compromised since 1988 after the sacking of Tun Salleh Abbas and his fellow judges. The fact that these half a dozen or so judges were recently honoured in a dinner graced by the Prime Minister where Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced that the government will spend millions of the taxpayers’ money to pay these judges their 20 years back-pay confirms that the Abdullah government, in which Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak is part of, agrees with the court of public opinion’s view of events that happened 20 years ago.

This opinion is of course strengthened by your very own de facto Law Minister’s statement, barely a few days after taking office, that the government should apologise to Tun Salleh and his fellow judges. This was of course shot down by the Cabinet, and instead of an apology, they are being paid millions of Ringgit, which Najib said should not be interpreted as an apology. Maybe Najib is right when he says that if the government pays out millions of Ringgit of the taxpayers’ money this should be only taken as 20 years back-pay and not be taken as an apology. Nevertheless, this still tantamount to an admission that the judges had been wrongfully dismissed, apology or no apology.

We must also not forget the statement by Justice Kamil when he delivered his judgement in the Likas election petition case. Yang Arif admitted that he always receives instructions from the top before he delivers his judgement on important or crucial cases. Justice Kamli also said that he is not the only judge to receive such instructions but that many other judges are also subjected to interference and instructions from the top and that they are told how they should rule. When asked who this person from the top is, he replied that we should know whom it is he means and he left it at that. No one had any misgivings as to whom Justice Kamil meant.

One very respected retired Chief Justice, who is known as an extremely straight and no-nonsense chap, remarked, if he had to be tried in court, he would not like it to be in a Malaysian court. He further remarked that the windscreens of the cars of judges are blacked-out not for security reasons but because the judges are ashamed to be seen by the public. This is coming from someone who is placed above normal men and when someone of that calibre makes such statements how can the public not feel that the Malaysian judiciary can no longer be trusted? As they say, let you be judged by your peers, and the judiciary’s peers have made their ruling.

Dear Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad,

To argue that we should leave this matter to the courts to decide is just not on. It can never be on until we see genuine and real reforms in the judiciary. And when the talk amongst legal circles is that, in September, the President of the Court of Appeal will take over as the new Chief Justice, this just erodes our confidence in the judiciary even further. Putting Umno’s lawyer in charge of the judiciary is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse or, as the Malays would say, putting the kambing in charge of the sireh. And you want us to leave it to the courts to decide? When you have highly-respected judges and retired Chief Justices openly condemning the Malaysian judiciary what do you expect the lesser-learned Rakyat like us to do?

Of course, you will say that one is innocent until proven guilty. That is a beautiful concept. However, if you believe such a thing is possible in Malaysia, then you probably believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus as well. Do you remember Anwar Ibrahim’s trial ten years ago? Anwar was tried in a court of public opinion when they paraded that mattress in and out of court every day. What happened to that mattress? It was never part of the evidence and eventually just quietly disappeared out of sight. Was that not grandstanding for the media and TV cameras?

In Anwar’s case, he was not innocent until proven guilty. Though the Malaysian judicial system, which follows the British and not the French system, stipulates that a man is innocent until proven guilty, Anwar was assumed guilty and he was made to prove his innocence. The onus should be on the court to prove guilt but in Anwar’s case he was considered guilty and he had to prove his innocence. And the judge sent Anwar to jail because, according to the judge, Anwar had failed to prove his innocence.

We are therefore using the same ‘burden of proof’ on the present Deputy Prime Minister just like what the previous Deputy Prime Minister was subjected to. If this system of ‘prove you are innocent or else we have to assume you are guilty’ was good enough for Anwar then it is certainly good enough for Najib. Why should there be different standards between one Deputy Prime Minister and another? Should there not be one standard for all?

Note that Malaysia has a law called the Internal Security Act. When you are detained under this law, you are assumed guilty until you can prove you are innocent. And if you fail to prove your innocence then you are detained without trial indefinitely. Some Malaysians have spent more than 20 years under detention because the hapless person was not able to prove his innocence. Ahmad Boestaman, the famous Malay nationalist and independence fighter, was detained for 14 years or so. You may remember him. His son, Rustam Sani, died recently.

Dear Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad,

I must remind you that I too was arrested on Hari Raya Haji Day in 2001 after I walked into the police station to be with my wife who had earlier been arrested. Her ‘crime’ was for trying to help an old woman who had a knee injury and who was struggling to walk up a hill. The police arrested my wife, the poor old woman, and her daughter.

When I walked into the police station, Bakri Zinin, the current CID Director, assaulted me when I attempted to step outside to make a phone call. I was trying to step outside because a policeman shouted at me that I am not allowed to make a phone call inside the police station. But when I tried to step outside as instructed, Bakri assaulted me. He then instructed his officers to arrest me.

When I asked what my crime was and as to the reason I was being arrested, they told me they will think of something later. In the meantime they will arrest me first. I then insisted I be allowed to make a police report against Bakri but they refused to take my report. When I refused to accept no for an answer, they reluctantly took my report but nothing further was done after that. That police report made on Hari Haji Day of 2001 is probably no longer in the file.

Dear Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad,

I am glad you talk about respect for the law. I just wish you and Najib had said the same thing when they beat me up, handcuffed me, and threw me into the lockup without a charge back in 2001. Will I be accorded justice as well just like how you and Najib want to see justice done? Will Bakri Zinin be taken to task for beating me and for arresting me without any charge? Thus far, the only action taken against him is that he has been promoted from OCPD Dang Wangi to Director CID. Let us talk about justice when I see justice done to me as well. Until then we shall rule by law of public opinion, as that appears to be the only ‘system’ available to us.

I understand the concept of subjudice when commenting on an ongoing trial. So allow me to comment only on what the mainstream newspapers have already covered. The mainstream newspapers reported about a green Suzuki Vitara. The registration plate of the car was also mentioned in that newspaper report. Malaysia Today traced the owner of this car to an address in Ijok. On further checking with the SPR registration, it was confirmed that this person exists and his name, address and IC number tally with that in the JPJ registration.

The house exists and the neighbours confirm that the person concerned does live there and that the green Suzuki Vitara has been seen in front of the house. This, according to the newspapers, is the car that took Altantuya away after she was arrested in front of Razak Baginda’s house and taken to Bukit Aman.

Has this man been picked up? And, if not, then why since Altantuya was last seen alive driving off with him? Malaysia Today has revealed his name, address and IC number. And this man’s neighbours in Ijok confirm his existence and that of the car. Note that this was raised in the trial and was reported by the mainstream newspapers. So this is not mere insinuations and innuendoes.

In an interview in 2002 or 2003, Razak Baginda confirmed that his company brokered the submarine deal. He even mentioned the commission he had earned. This matter was confirmed by Razak himself and is documented in that interview. So this is also no insinuation or innuendo. And have we forgotten Razak’s wife’s outburst when she said that her husband is innocent and that it is not he who wants to become the next Prime Minister? Was Razak’s wife talking about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Anwar Ibrahim or Khairy Jamaluddin? And was not Razak’s wife once a magistrate who would therefore know the law and know what constitutes subjudice?

Dear Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad,

I can go on but let the above suffice for the meantime. The issue of the changing of the judge after the filing of the Affidavit during the bail hearing (which was raised by Karpal Singh), the defence lawyers resigning because of threats from certain people (which Zulkifli Nordin confirmed), the changing of the entire prosecuting team the morning of the trial (which the prosecutor admitted when he asked for a one-month postponement), and much more are all documented and are on public record. Let the court of public opinion decide whether Malaysia Today is merely raising what is already well-documented or whether Malaysia Today is dabbling in insinuations and innuendoes.

Again, I thank you for your letter and really appreciate you taking the time to write to us. Let us together, in the spirit of Islam, the religion we profess, seek the truth and oppose transgressions -- as made mandatory by Islam under the concept of amar maaruf, nahi munkar. From God we come and to God we shall return. And we shall be made accountable for all that we have done on this earth. And, in the eyes of God, those defending kemunkaran will be as guilty as those committing it. Let us not fear man for man proposes but God disposes. And nothing will befall us that God has not planned will befall us. Subjudice and contempt of court are creations of man that will not carry any weight in God’s court. So fear God because man even as powerful as Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers will be powerless to help you in God’s court where we shall all ultimately be judged.

Yours truly,

Raja Petra Bin Raja Kamarudin

Press Statement from Deputy Prime Minister Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

I would like to refer to an article posted on your website under the heading “Let’s Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell ” on April 25. For the benefits ofyour readers, I would to like to put the record straight since there were insinuations and unjustified comments made against the Deputy Prime Minister Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak and his wife Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor in respect of the murder case.

2. The article alleged that the DPM and his wife were implicated in the murder of the Mongolian girl, the Deputy Prime Minister supported her visas application, her immigration record had been erased and there were pictures taken with her. These are hearsays which you have deemed alright to published as reflected by your position “we too have conducted our own trial by court of public opinion and we have already arrived at our verdict”.

3. The article also gave the impression that police investigation was flawed and the legal proceeding was being compromise (show trial in the kangaroo court) and designed to hide the real perpetrators. While it is up to the judiciary and police to deal with these allegations, Dato Sri Mohd Najib reserved the right in this “public opinion” court to reiterate his earlier comments that he did not know and has never met the deceased. As such all these allegations are unfounded and designed to tarnish his standing within the Malaysian public.

4. A witness claimed that Altantuya had dinner with Razak and Najib was never corroborated. No picture was produced in court except that of PKR Information Chief Tian Chua who posted a concocted ‘picture’ on the web. Strangely, no legal attempt had been made to produce this picture as evidence in court to date by PKR as it appears it is only admissible in the public opinion court.

5. The case is a private matter involving Encik Razak Baginda and how the policemen were involved will come out in the open during the court proceedings. I would like to also point out that the claims that Altantuya murder was linked to the country’s purchase of the submarine as baseless and unfounded, it was done to make a good and believable story in the public opinion court.

6. Dato Sri Mohd Najib has been very restrained and guarded in making any public statement on the matter since people known to him have been implicated and have been charged in court. It could be misinterpreted or seen interfering in the case since the court proceedings is on going. In fact, a former Deputy Prime Minister was convicted for abuse of power when trying to suppress a sexual misconduct investigations against him.

7. As pointed out in the article there is an issue of subjudice or contempt of court and Dato Sri Mohd Najib, Malaysians and foreigners here must respect the laws and system that all of us are subject too. As such it is unfair that unfounded and wild allegations in such a serious matter had been made which will tarnish the Deputy Prime Minister’s standing in public.

8. As stated in your article “But this is not about politics and should not be dealt as such”, the DPM also shared this sentiment that this case should seek out the truth and justice should be served. However, it is clear that there are those who are not interested in finding justice for Altantuya. It is the politics of Altantuya they are concerned with and it is my sincere hope that your readers will be able to differentiate between truth, half-truth, falsehood and lies since politicians are judge in the public opinion court.

9. Since the allegations are serious and damaging in nature, the DPM will not hesitate to seek legal redress on the matter.

Thank you.

Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad

Press Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Written by Malaysiakini

4月20日 下午1点27分

率先报道获得证实!前民政党副总秘书李家全(右图)正式被槟州人民联盟政府委任两个要职,出任槟州发展机构董事(Penang Development Corporation,简称PDC)以及投资槟州(Invest Penang)董事及执行委员会主席。毅然宣布退出政坛李家全是接受槟州首席部长林冠英的献意,而出任这两个负责规划槟州经济及招揽投资者的要职。根据《星报》即时短讯,李家全也宣布退出政坛,专注其职务。








Teng dilantik Speaker DUN S'gor

Written by Malaysiakini

Apr 20, 08 2:51pm

Wakil rakyat DAP bagi Sungai Pinang, Teng Chang Khim telah dilantik sebagai Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor.

Beliau merupakan penyandang bukan Melayu pertama yang dilantik memegang jawatan tersebut.

Pelantikan Teng yang merupakan bekas ketua pembangkang di DUN Selangor, diumumkan oleh menteri besar, Khalid Ibrahim hari ini.

Pengumuman itu mengesahkan spekulasi sebelum ini bahawa Teng akan dilantik sebagai Speaker selepas tidak dilantik dalam barisan exco kerajaan negeri Selangor.

Sementara itu, bekas setiausaha agung Gerakan, Lee Kah Choon, yang bersara dari politik tiga minggu lalu, dijangka dilantik sebagai pengarah Perbadanan Kemajuan Pulau Pinang (PDC) dan InvestPenang.

Rabu lalu, edisi bahasa Cina Malaysiakini melaporkan ketua menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dijangka melantik Lee ke jawatan tersebut bagi memperkukuhkan lagi pentadbiran kerajaan negeri.

PDC berfungsi sebagai badan pelabur kerajaan negeri dan antara tugasnya ialah untuk merancang projek-projek pembangunan, manakala InvestPenang pula ditugaskanmenarik pelabur ke negeri tersebut.

Lembaga pengarah PDC secara tradisinya diketuai oleh dua timbalan ketua menteri - Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin dan Dr P Ramasamy.

Bulan lalu, Lee melepas semua jawatan parti yang disandangnya, iaitu pengerusi Gerakan bahagian Jelutong, penolong setiausaha Gerakan Pulau Pinang, anggota jawatankuasa kerja Gerakan di peringkat negeri dan pusat.